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Nougat Alicante 300 g - hard

Nougat Alicante 300 g - hard

Regular Price: €8.34

Special Price €6.69


(In stock)


Turrón Jijona Artesano formato 200 gramos - tableta blanda protegida por la Denominación de Origen


Turrón de Alicante Artesano dividido en 2 tabletas (más cómodo para partir)

Nougat Alicante 300 g - hard

  • Turron alicante Turron alicante
  • Turrón artesano Alicante Turrón artesano Alicante
  • Turrón duro Turrón duro
  • Turrón duro artesano Turrón duro artesano
  • haciendo turron de Alicante haciendo turron de Alicante
  • Turrón Alicante 200 g Turrón Alicante 200 g

5/5 S. GREGORIO el 23/11/2014

" Simplemente delicioso" Compra verificada

5/5 E. Sonia el 27/01/2014

"Riquísimo" Compra verificada

4/5 L. Ma Angeles el 27/12/2013

" Perfecto" Compra verificada

Ver todas las opiniones

Te contamos todos los formatos que tenemos:


Turrón Jijona Artesano formato 200 gramos - tableta blanda protegida por la Denominación de Origen


Turrón de Alicante Artesano dividido en 2 tabletas (más cómodo para partir)

Nougat Alicante 300 g - hard

Artisan Turrón of Alicante in bar of 300 grams or in the new format of 2 bars of 150g that facilitates to be able to split it for a better tasting. Please indicate in your order wich one you prefer.
Hard turron, or hard nougat with Denomination of Origin and limited production. It is one of the most valued and awarded.

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: €8.34

Special Price €6.69

Product Reviews
Number of reviews : 3
Average rating : 5 /5
G. Veronique
5/ 5
Muy bueno
5/ 5
Maria Carmen
5/ 5
De 10.

The hard turron or turron of Alicante follows a process of a very critical and it is similar to the nougat of Jijona (soft) process. The main difference between the two of them is that the Jijona is refined while in the turron of Alicante, the dough obtained from mixing the egg white, honey and toasted almonds is dried and put into the drawers to be cut with saw.

The nougat of Alicante, therefore, does not pass through the boixets, the machines in the form of a giant mortar where the point is given to the nougat of Jijona.

Responsable Jijona S.A. - Partida de Alequa s/n, Jijona, Alicante
Peso 300g
Marca No
Ingredientes Ingredientes en la descripción
Formato Rilsan

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Product Reviews
Number of reviews : 3
Average rating : 5 /5
G. Veronique
5/ 5
Muy bueno
5/ 5
Maria Carmen
5/ 5
De 10.