What is turronesydulces.com
- We are an online (and offline) shop that offers the largest catalog of nougat and sweet artisans with Denomination of Origin Jijona and Alicante made with our lifelong formulas (some are more than 100 years old). We are pioneers in Internet sales and our business model is focused on product and customer. Example: here we retrieve the recipe of Grandmother Gloria's grandmother's aunt, from the 19th century.
- The main objective is that whoever wants to buy a good quality and freshly made craftsman, have it quickly at home with the best deal from you to you, like the shops of a lifetime.
- Nougat throughout the year, despite its seasonal character. That is our main motto.
- Not only do we sell our brand, but we do select the best products made in Jijona and what customers demand (which we did not have before) and offer them on our website, even if they are from other suppliers or brands such as nougat El Abuelo.
- In the year 2016 we have opened an offline store in Jijona, the cradle of nougat. It is our showroom where you can buy and taste nougat in Jijona, Alicante, and the starting point to start our guided visits to the nougat factory and the village in general.
- We sell on the Internet since 2000, although it is actually in 2002 when we registered the domain name of turronesydulces.com. A little further down this text we tell you the story of how the adventure began, although basically it is summarized that everything started selling nougats to beads, teachers, and staff of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where the founder (Fabian, who writes these Lines) was studying Telecommunications Engineering.
- To date we have sent thousands of packages with nougats to more than 20 countries around the world, and the best thing is that because of what our customers tell us, we have made many "Spaniards around the world" happy, which is what That more motivates us to follow. Places include Japan (Okunawa Islands), Singapore, Qatar, Lapland, Norway ...
The different versions of our online store since 2003
- 2002-2003: first version
- 2006
- 2008

The idea
We want to make the tradition compatible with the new technologies, without losing the personal "your you" treatment that has always characterized this industry and trade. That is why we have been in the network for almost a decade, trying to improve the customer experience year after year, mixing our knowledge in engineering and telecommunications with the know-how of the turronero sector.
Nuestros datos:
Av. Constitución 21, 1
03100 Jijona
Datos registrales:
TOMO 3822, FOLIO 213, INSCRIPCIÓN 1 HOJA A-142928 de Alicante
Turrones 2.0
Among our main objectives is to make it possible to eat nougat throughout the year, to offer quality products at reasonable prices and to bring to all users and visitors information of interest on nougat and e-commerce. And for that we use from the first day tools 2.0 like the blog (to go telling our progress and anecdotes), twitter (to keep track of what we do day by day), meebo (online customer service), flickr and Picasa (for our photos) and videos on-line (youtube). Are you following?
Fabián López Coloma
Tlf. 617 21 96 46
Jijona [arroba] turronesydulces.com
It all started around the year 2000, at the height of the technological bubble. Fabian started the university in 1998, and as his two brothers did, he sold nougats through the UPV and Valencia to finance part of the studies. The weekends of the season (from October to December) were special, since it returned to Jijona (from Valencia to Jijona there are about 140 km) to help in the nougat factory. On Sunday night he loaded the car with the nougats to leave early Monday for Valencia and try to distribute them the same day, and thus not leave the car loaded at night.